Accurate metering
Visu-flo flowmeters are the latest development in the Trigear range of positive displacement flowmeters. They are used in critical flow applications where it is essential to identify flow is occurring locally whilst transmitting a signal to a PLC for remote monitoring. Based on the gear principle it offers outstanding features and benefits.
Designed to outperform
The Visu-flo totally out performs its competitors when it comes to the accurate metering of most clean liquids including fuels, oils, additives, chemicals, food bases, paints, viscous emulsions, insecticides, alcohols and solvents either pumped or gravity fed.
High accuracy and linearity standard (± 0.25%)
Wide turndown (less slippage, 54% more sealing characteristic)
Smoother and quieter – less vibration (balanced gears)
No requirement for flow conditioning
Bi-directional flow capability
Very latest innovation for many decades
High resolution quadrature pulse output available
Dual outputs available